Ditching Bad Habits for Better Ones

I’m sure people started the new year saying,” New Year, New Me.” Trust me, I can completely relate to wanting change so badly.

Personally, I’ve battled with body mass dysmorphia for most of my life, as well as through my entire fitness career while working as a personal trainer. I saw any fresh start as a chance to plan change because the pain was too much.

Since I’ve begun being more honest about my mental health struggles and my relationship with vulnerability, I’ve had some of the best workouts in years.

I’m also starting to finally look, and more importantly, feel better.

All it took was acknowledging my struggles, fears, and limiting beliefs. Doing this allowed me to be honest and vulnerable with myself, which in turn helped me turn self-pity into motivation.

Thanks for reading and for your support,


Wellness Tip #5 - Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones


Podcast Appearance: Freeing Yourself from Self-Doubt & Tapping into the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection