Wellness Tip #1 - See New Opportunities

Each month I will provide a well-being tip that can be applied to your day-to-day life. Try it out and let me know how it’s working for you!

Today’s Tip: See New Opportunities

“Researcher and professor Carol Dweck uses the term “mindset” to describe the way people think about ability and talent. Dweck delineates between two different mindsets that exist on a continuum.

The first is a fixed mindset, which suggests that your abilities are innate and unchangeable. The second is a growth mindset, which views it as something you can improve through practice.

In a fixed mindset, you view failure as permanent but with a growth mindset, you see failure as a chance to learn and pivot.“

Change your mindset. Is there another way to see this situation?

Can you shift your perspective? What are the positives? What more do I need to know? By changing your mindset you will start to see opportunities where other people see challenges.


Wellness Tip #2 - Stop Saying “No”


Your Discovery Session