What is the Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment (ELI)?

As an individual, you view the world through filters based on your experiences, values, and assumptions — they either limit what you see (like tunnel vision) or expand it (like a prism).

You've most likely unconsciously developed these filters throughout your whole life, and they significantly impact how you perceive things. This ultimately affects how you show up in different situations. It could even be holding you back from realizing the full potential in yourself, your life, and your career.

What if you could apply metrics to these filters and assess how they’re influencing the results you're achieving?

That’s precisely what iPEC’s ELI assessment accomplishes. It’s an attitudinal assessment, not a personality-based one, and it puts a numerical value on the types of energy a person experiences and expresses.

Understanding Energy Leadership™

Energy Leadership™ is a unique approach to personal and professional development that focuses on the concept of energy as a driving force in our lives.

Developed by iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching), one of the leading coaching schools in the world, Energy Leadership™ is based on the premise that our attitudes and perceptions significantly impact our actions, behaviors, and results.

The ELI assessment is a key component of the Energy Leadership™ framework. It is designed to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their energy levels, attitudes, and perceptions in various situations.

The assessment measures how individuals perceive and respond to different experiences and events, and it provides insights into their current energy levels and patterns of behavior.

How Does the ELI Assessment Work?

The ELI assessment consists of a series of questions that measure a person's energy levels and attitudes in different areas of their life.

The questions are designed to help individuals identify their dominant energy levels, which can be either catabolic (negative, draining) or anabolic (positive, empowering). The assessment also measures the level of energy they bring to different aspects of their life, such as work, relationships, and personal growth.

The ELI assessment provides a numerical value on a scale from 1 to 7 for each energy level, with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest. These numerical values are used to create a personalized Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) report that provides detailed insights into a person's energy levels and how they influence their perceptions, behaviors, and results.

Interpreting the ELI Results

The ELI results provide a wealth of information about a person's energy levels and how they impact their life.

The assessment helps individuals understand their dominant energy levels and how they show up in different situations. It also sheds light on any limiting filters or beliefs that may be holding them back from achieving their full potential.

The best way to interpret your results is to work with an iPEC certified ELI Master Practitioner.

Contact me today to get started with your ELI assessment, and discover your personalized Energy Leadership Index.

Schedule Your ELI Assessment >


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